SAFE the date! - 29 September 2023 - Verbrugge Safety Day
Safety always comes first at Verbrugge! We expect our employees to pay attention to their own safety, the safety of their colleagues and everyone on our premises. Every day, we work hard to achieve our goal of zero accidents. At the end of the day, everybody needs to go home safely.
To emphasize the importance of safety, Verbrugge will organize the Verbrugge Safety Day for her employees on the 29th of September 2023. During this day, different activities, workshops, and testimonials will be organized for our employees.
Impact on terminal operations
On Friday, the 29th of September 2023, all vessel and landside operations at our terminals will be paused. The Terneuzen Terminals will stop at 11:00 hrs. The Scaldia Terminal and Zeeland Terminal in Vlissingen will stop at 11:30 hrs. All activities will recommence at 20:00 hrs. Limited truck slots will be available in Transporeon during this day.
No trucks will be handled after 11:00 hrs at the Terneuzen Terminals and after 11:30 hrs at the Scaldia Terminal and Zeeland Terminal in Vlissingen.
All offices of Verbrugge Terminals and Verbrugge Marine will be closed as from 11:00/11:30 hrs. The offices of Verbrugge Internationale Wegtransporten, Alleghany Warehouse Europe, and Interlashing will remain at your service.
Please contact your customer service representative for more information. Further updates will be published on our website.