Truck pre-registration
Smooth loading and unloading operations due to advanced slot booking & registration
A fast and smooth logistics process, that’s key in our business.
To enable this, Verbrugge Terminals has implemented a new slot booking system, which allows us to minimize the turnaround time at our terminals.
The slot booking system assists our carriers to plan their transports accurately and helps the terminals in deploying the optimal resources to guarantee a smooth logistics process.

Procedure for registering trucks:
1: Releasing goods
The Customer Relations Team of Verbrugge Terminals will provide a transportnumber or bookingsnumber for the pre-announcement of trucks in Transporeon.
2: Registration in Transporeon
Go to the website of Transporeon.
Please register for an account with Transporeon:

2: Open booking
The owner of the cargo is responsible for communicating the transport number to his receiver, forwarder or carrier. This can be done automatically within Transporeon, when the customer, receiver, forwarder and carrier have an account and are linked.
The forwarder/carrier will receive the transport numbers from his client within Transporeon. These transport numbers are available under the Open Bookings tab within the Time slot management after Verbrugge Terminals B.V is selected in the Shipper list. A truck can be registered for an available time slot. If time slots are not available, the carrier must contact the client.
When the truck has been registered correctly, the carrier receives a PIN code. The combination of the transport number and the PIN code is unique and can only be used once.
The driver reports to our cargo service desk at our gate with the transport number and PIN code. The data is verified with the pre-registration, after which the driver is provided access to the terminal.
The full procedure for an Open Booking can be found at the top of this page.
3: Loading and unloading times
Trucks must be registered no later than 12:00 a.m. on the working day prior the (un)loading day
Monday until Friday, 7:30 hrs until 23:30 hrs. Truck drivers must report themselves 22:00 hrs latest.
Monday until Friday, 7:00 hrs until 22:00 hrs. Truck drivers must report themselves 20:00 hrs latest.
Monday until Friday, 7:45 hrs until 16:00 hrs. Truck drivers must report themselves 15:30 hrs latest for bulk and 15:00 hrs for break bulk.
See our locations and opening hours
*Registration in Transporeon is only possible up to the maximum capacity set for the various time blocks. Enrolling in a block is not possible when the maximum capacity has been reached. Trucks without proper registration will not be loaded or unloaded
4: Arrival within and outside the registered time block
Trucks that are correctly registered within the capacity of the time block and arrive within the reserved time block will be handled within 2 hours. After these two hours, you can claim a waiting time compensation, which we compensate at € 35,00 per hour.
Trucks that arrive outside the reserved time block or that have not been registered correctly are not entitled to the waiting time compensation. In this case, you can contact our booking team by telephone +31 (0) 118 - 42 63 91 between 08:00 and 17:00 to look at the next time slot. Of course, these trucks are handled quickly as possible.
*For the use and services of the Transporeon Time Slot Management system, Transporeon will apply a fixed rate per booking which is for account of the party; the customer or carrier, who actually books the time slots within the Time Slot Management system of Transporeon GmbH. This party itself must enter into an agreement with Transporeon GmbH, before timeslots can be booked. Further information about the services and booking rates can be obtained from Transporeon. Please visit and register at:
Terminal regulations for carriers and drivers
Plea note:
- Identification with a passport or identity card is required.
- A driver's license, copy of a passport or a copy of an identity card are not allowed.
Please see our Terminals Regulations for carriers and drivers.