Zeeland Terminal | Vlissingen / Flushing
Fact sheet
- Located in the port of Vlissingen
- Professional stevedore and warehousing company
- Products: wood pulp, agricultural products, wood pellets, paper, metals, steel, tobacco, project cargo
- Total area: 1,100,000 m²
- Covered storage area: 340,000 m²
- Quay length: 1100 m
- Maximum depth: 12.4 m LAT
- Harbor width: 372 m
- Rail length: 3000 m
- Multiple cranes:
- Tandem lift possibilities
- Weighing and sampling facilities.

Verbrugge Zeeland Terminal B.V.
Engelandweg 12
4389 PC Ritthem (Vlissingen - Oost) - NL
Port number 1054
T +31 (0) 118 - 42 60 00